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LONG 4135
SELL 4136
LONG 4136
SELL 4135
Please note following terms:
LONG: Price is expected to go up so buy around recommended price.
SELL: Exit from long position.

SHORT: Price is expected to go down so sell around recommended price.
BUY:Exit from short position.
SHORT 4144
BUY 4142
SHORT 4147
Will close before 4:00 PM EST
BUY 4143
Forwarded from iTradingNow.Com (iTradingNow)
LONG 4141
SELL 4142
SELL 4140
Support 4136
Gap filled @4137
Please note following terms:
LONG: Price is expected to go up so buy around recommended price.
SELL: Exit from long position.

SHORT: Price is expected to go down so sell around recommended price.
BUY:Exit from short position.