☦️ Knowing Jesus Today (& The Next Generation won't Stumble)
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#Knowing_Jesus #Apologetics #Original_Faith
Isa 43:10
Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

Exo 15:2
The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.
Exodus 15:3
The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.
#Knowing_Jesus #Fear_God #History
Exodus 15:4-5
Pharaoh's chariots and his host has he cast into the sea: his chosen captains also are drowned in the Red sea. 5. The depths have covered them: they sank into the bottom as a stone.
#Knowing_Jesus #Original_Faith

Numbers 23:18-19
And he took up his parable, and said, Rise up, Balak, and hear; listen to me, you son of Zippor: 19. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: has he said, and shall he not do it? or has he spoken, and shall he not make it good?